How do you actually lose weight?

Breaking down the myths vs reality

This Week’s Weigh-In

You ever feel like losing weight is some kind of secret club no one invited you to?

When you’re younger it feels like your routine works like a charm and then one day it just seems like nothing moves the needle (in the right direction). You’re not alone - a lot of guys hit the wall, wondering if it’s just age or if there’s something they’re missing.

Spoiler alert: it’s usually a bit of both.

Part of the mysterious fog that is weight loss has to do with all these myths that surround it.  Scroll on to see which one of these “useful” tidbits is holding you back.


Yeah, it’s true, you definitely don’t have the same metabolism like you did living carefree in your early 20’s.

However, a lot of guys assume what they did to maintain their weight in their 20’s will work in their 40’s and 50’s.

Relying heavily on cardio and cutting calories isn’t going to have the same positive effect on your body that it did when you were 22.

What actually works: They key is to shift your focus from losing weight to building muscle.  This is because muscle is like metabolism’s best friend.

As you weight train and build muscle, even while you’re sitting on the couch after working out, you’ll still be burning calories.

And if you hate spending time working out, focus on compound movements to get the biggest “burn” for your buck - think squats, deadlifts (go light), and push-ups - the key is to just target multiple muscle groups at once.


Just thinking about hitting the gym everyday sounds daunting, let alone actually going.

This really isn’t necessary.

Aside from the challenge of just fitting it into your daily routine, there is such a thing as over training, which can lead to burnout and/or injury.

What actually works: Get some strength training in 3-4 times a week and mix in some light cardio whenever you can - even just a brisk walk to get your heart rate up can do wonders.

The key is just consistency.

You don’t even have to lift heavy - heck, who are we trying to out lift these days anyway?  Consistent strength training that YOU feel comfortable with is what will get you results.  Exercise how you like, you’re more likely to stay consistent this way.


Sure, cutting carbs can make the scale drop fast but here’s the catch, you’re most likely losing water weight as opposed to actual fat.

Bear with me for a second.  When you drastically reduce carbs, your body uses up its glycogen stores, essentially the things that store carbs for energy.  For every gram of glycogen, you hold onto about 3g of water

Lose the glycogen, lose the water weight...and eventually some fat but at what cost?  Feeling fatigued, cranky, and you gave up bread and pasta - it’s just not fun.

What actually works: Balance.  Your body needs good food, not an extreme diet.  Proteins, fibre, and some carbs is perfectly fine - think whole grains, fruits, and veggies.  Your body needs carbs to function properly, especially if you’re trying to exercise regularly.

The trick is to eat smarter, not stricter.


You don’t really hear a lot of people talk about this but losing weight isn’t just a before and after photo - it’s a process, and sometimes it downright sucks.

Some days you feel leaner and stronger like it’s all actually working.

And other days you might feel like the scale is broken and all you eat is rabbit food.  It’s all normal, progress isn’t linear.

Yes, you’ll get hungrier (the metabolism thing).  Yes, you won’t see physical results right away.  However you may feel them sooner than you think.

Better sleep, a bit more energy, and maybe even less random aches and pains are all positive side effects to losing weight.  Take the wins any way you can get them, even if you can’t see them right away.

Just keep showing up, you can’t lose if you don’t quit.

(not bad for motivational mush, right?)


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